Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Ok, so I finally settled on a name for the spotted doeling. Everyone who saw her thinks she should be named Bambi. But i have to remind them that Bambi was a Buck!!! So no. And Bambi's girlfriend was Faline.....sorry, not naming a lovely little doe Faline.  Then I thought of Rudolph's girlfriend Clarice. I thought it was a good name despite the possible association folks might have with Silence of the i had to find a picture of Clarice. I was very sad when i realized she is not actually spotted....just had a spotted bow in her hair. But i think she is a Clarice anyway. So for those of you who have forgotten, here is Clarice:

And here is my Clarice. I had the herd out for a browse walk & the kids discovered the pile of wood waiting to go on the next burn pile (we had taken down & cut up an old storage shed). They decided it was great fun & since I had my Droid in my back pocket I shot some video...they were just too dang cute. The doe talking in the background is Daisy. The rest of the herd had already moved on & left her & the kids behind, so she kind of panicked when she thought she had been left behind.....the kids could not care less...they just kept playing. Sorry it is sideways. I cant figure out how to rotate a video clip. 

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