Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Longest Day of the Year.....

I am not sure which is worse, kids born in the cold & snow or kids born in the 100 degree heat. Not the timing I had planned for Miss Heidi goat, she was supposed to be kidding back in April, but she had other plans. She also had other plans about papa....

So here is what happened.  When I thought she had been bred to Only 1 back in November, I put all the bucks back in the same pen with the girls. Everyone had been bred & I knew who was bred to whom. I put them all back together because at that point no one was in milk & just because it is easier to take care of everyone in one pen. So when Heidi went way past her due date, I knew I was going to be playing a game of "who's your daddy".....

Well Heidi finally kidded today with one big boy. What a pudge!  Clearly Chief is the papa; he looks just like his other kids from this year. The good news is it looks like he is polled. YAY! So if he looks as handsome as his papa, I will be keeping him for breeding next year....now I just have to pick a name :)

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