Saturday, May 26, 2012

Clarice kidded 5.25.12

Moon Spots - yes
Blue Eyes - yes
Female - YES!!
Polled - maybe, but hard to say at this point....

but You can have everything, right???? I will be keeping this girl!

Being strong....

isn't something you choose to do. It is something you are forced to do when being weak isn't an option.

Those were the words of wisdom a friend shared with me on Thursday when TuTu (aka Phantom) Kidded. It did not go well.  Being a hobby farmer is not always fun, so for anyone reading this page to get a real taste of what it is like, I have to share the un-fun days, too. There was no time to call the vet. I did the only thing I could think of to save her, and lets just leave it at that. She is alive & doing pretty well all things considered. I think she is going to be OK. The buck kid did not survive.

Another live & learn day here at Slate Creek

The quad of blue copper olive eggers that it has taken me 5 years of breeding to get to....a raccoon or skunks got in to the chicken tractor last night. Got the roo & one hen. I am guessing a skunk because a raccoon probably would have killed them all. They like to pull heads off chickens even if they dont eat them. Go figure. 

The only good news I can say is that I have two dozen eggs in the incubator, and three hens left who should still give fertile eggs for about another 7-10 days. He was SUCH a handsome guy & i was just telling myself yesterday that i needed to get pictures of them.

And the take away lesson is that I should NOT PUT MY POULET BLEU TRI IN A CHICKEN TRACTOR!!! and i was just about comfortable enough with the way it was working for the olive eggers to do just that today.

If it had not been cold & gloomy last night, I would not have shut all the windows in the house, then maybe Moxie or I would have heard the ruckus. Poor guys. I feel really bad because it was my mistake......

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hen #5 for sale

This hen is a little older than the other pullets, but she is still technically a pullet because she is less than one year old. You will note & I tried to get good pics, the rooster was a little too aggressive with her, and she has some feathers missing on her back as a result. Now that she is out of that pen, they seem to be growing back. I do not think the missing feathers are part of a molt because that would start at the head/neck & those feathers are not "new". She lays a lovely speckled egg. We are asking $15 for her because she is a little older than the other pullets.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hen #4 for sale

This girl is a little older than the other pullets. Still less than one year old. She lays a lovley uniform brown egg. We are asking $15 for her because she is a little older (but that also means you get bigger eggs :)

Hen #3 SOLD

Hen #3 SOLD.  $20 for any of the hens listed, just let me know which number hen you want.

Egg from hen #3

Olive Egger cockerel

This guy is about 5 months old. He is the product of a Black Copper Marans crossed with a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. He has lovely black copper coloring, but also the pea comb, which means he is also likely to carry the "blue gene" needed to make an olive egger.

I am down to only two roosters, and that is just one too many, so this boy has to go. $10 OBO.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hen #2 SOLD

This hen is also solid black, no copper color. Pictures of her egg are below. Lovely speckles on her eggs!
Hen #2

Egg from Hen #2
Egg from Hen #2

Pullets (young laying hens) for sale

I have lots of young hens I will be offering for sale in the next few weeks. These are young hens (pullets) 4-6 months old that just started laying. Some are pure Black copper marans that I am selling either because their eggs are not as dark as I like or because for one reason or another they do not meet the french breed standard. Some are a cross between my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hens and my Black Copper Marans rooster. They will lay eggs of various green colors. I will be posting pictures of the hens & the eggs they lay as they start to lay & I am able to isolate them & get pictures.

 Hen #1 is a pure black colored hen who lays a lovely uniform honey-brown egg. (Hen #1 is SOLD)

 If this hen is not what you are looking for, use the "contact us" on our webpage to be put on our waiting list for a hen when she becomes available. Just let us know what color eggs you are looking for & we will let you know when we have a hen available.
Hen #1 SOLD