Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another live & learn day here at Slate Creek

The quad of blue copper olive eggers that it has taken me 5 years of breeding to get to....a raccoon or skunks got in to the chicken tractor last night. Got the roo & one hen. I am guessing a skunk because a raccoon probably would have killed them all. They like to pull heads off chickens even if they dont eat them. Go figure. 

The only good news I can say is that I have two dozen eggs in the incubator, and three hens left who should still give fertile eggs for about another 7-10 days. He was SUCH a handsome guy & i was just telling myself yesterday that i needed to get pictures of them.

And the take away lesson is that I should NOT PUT MY POULET BLEU TRI IN A CHICKEN TRACTOR!!! and i was just about comfortable enough with the way it was working for the olive eggers to do just that today.

If it had not been cold & gloomy last night, I would not have shut all the windows in the house, then maybe Moxie or I would have heard the ruckus. Poor guys. I feel really bad because it was my mistake......

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